So at the moment our government is trying to take away the right of mothers to birth at home. This really makes me sad and angry....first off how can they decide to take away Rights? Second how is putting more people into the hospital system goint to help the system get back on its feet and treat SICK people.
Giving birth is a natural part of a woman's life...sometimes it can become complicated and this is why we need maternity hospitals, but if you are healthy and of a low risk group your descion to birth at home should not be taken away!
I am astounded more people are not up in arms about this...if it was taking away your right to a Cesarean or epidural this would be an outrage...I wonder if the general public feel that only hippies and careless women home birth....totally not true it is usually the educated and well informed who chose to follow their bodies instincts and birth were they feel most comfortable.....I birthed my sons at hospital as this was my CHOICE and RIGHT...so I dont see why taking away a right of someone to choose is a good thing...I am seriously considering a homebirth next time...of course with an independent midwife and doula and of course my loving family.
Be angry people this is goign to affect all the women in Australia...they deserve the right to choose!