Friday, March 26, 2010


I have just found the most AMAZING dresses made by a girl in Brighton...I found it while searching Etsy...when I should be in bed!


am thinking I might save up and get for Melbourne in September...there is a Green one too which I adore....I must get me sewing machine out and start making some clothes :)

Its been a while

So its been a while since I keeps getting in the way of cyberlife ROFL!
Anyway things are going great...we are trying to find a new house to live in as we are sick of being stuck in this tiny yard with no room to swing a cat!
So we have been looking closer to my parents...but them we wonder if its worth spending so much on an old house, would people visit..or do we move out even further since noone really visits now? This realestate stuff is really hard :(

Monkey fell and hit his lip the other day which became a big blood blister..poor kid was so upset :( Floobuckle has decided he doesn't want to be a big sleeper anymore even though I actually thought the universe had given me a break and handed me a sleepy baby! *sigh* Looks like I wont be sleeping well for another 2 years :(

The Boss is working hard! He is totally in love With his mower....cracks me up :)

Am on the countdown for New moon to be out on DVD and for Eclipse to hit the big screen so excited! Managed to get the Twilight Graphic novel which is awesome! Just need some time alone without little sticky fingers to read it :)

Easter is next weekend! Not sure if anyone will be visiting us at the dam as we seem to not be cool anymore and people like to avoid us lol! I feel for The Boss though he would really love it if we had some great mates who would come to the dam all the time and help out and do boy type stuff.

Anyway off house hunting again! Wish us luck!