Moo is 4 on Saturday! Where did that time go! I remember when he was born! He was the most amazing little person I had ever seen!
So the party of the year! Moo loves...no is OBSESSED with super heroes! Old school ones like Batman, Superman, the green lantern, Spiderman (yes I know they are from 2 different comics but gee give a mum a break!) And anything that Daddy tells him is cool! We have all the dress ups well most1 And we visit Movie world a fair bit so Moo can see Batman!
So this party, or should I say EVENT is a Justice League/ Spiderman party! The kids have to come dressed up ( I wanted to dress up for Moo but daddy stomped on that idea!) We have awesome food , a unbelievable cake and a of course a jumping castle!
We never had big expensive parties but we always had the best time! I just cant help it I love making a big deal and going over board...Hubby has confiscated my credit card due to over spending oops!
So I have the lollie bags the balloons, the banner, the toys, the castle and don't forget the presents...oh crap the presents I thought I had wrapped them all but forgot the main one! bugger will have to go out now and buy more paper and wrap it!
Well thats it from me! If in doubt call batman or superman or maybe just mum!