Sunday, June 14, 2015

Our home birth.

This would be our last birth, our last baby, number 3 for the Callaghan clan.

Ever since completing my Doula course I knew I wanted a home birth surrounded by love and gentle energy. 

We found out I was pregnant and the next day had found a midwife, booked my doula and our home birth journey started. 

At 38 weeks I decided to have a mother’s blessing  to prepare for my birth and create a birth space to bring my 3rd child earthside in. 

Wednesday 10th June I dropped our two big boys to school. No idea that later that day may be the day. Hubby arrived home from work and we went and bought a basketball hoop for our boys. 

We had lunch and hubby went and got into bed leaving me to rest on the couch. 

After a funny movement from baby and a pop my waters broke. I have never experienced that before so was a little shocked. I went and had a shower and was a bit worried to see it was meconium stained. I got Geoff to call the midwife and my doula. I was scared and worried that my home birth dream may not even happen. I didn't get any contractions for at least an hour so by 1:30pm I was getting contractions and was in labour. 

Geoff filled the birth pool while my doula gave me a back massage with clary sage. This labour was so different to my last two so had no idea what was going to happen. 

My amazing midwife arrived and gave me the run down on what to with Mec  stained waters and we decided we were happy to stay home and keep to the plan. 

This labour was so hard, contractions were intense and I really didn't think I could do it. My midwife continued to check baby's heart rate thought my labour and baby was happy throughout. 

I decided it was time to get in the pool , and once I did things really took off. In the mean time my photographer arrived and started capturing our journey. 

The bath helped a little but it was so intense. I gave myself a check of my cervix and couldn't find it so thought it must be still high and closed. I got a little disheartened but kept positive. I checked again and it felt the same. Clearly I couldn't work it out as not long after I was having constant contractions and  was not far off pushing. At this point the fear took over and I was scared. I told  Geoff I was frightened and didn't think I could do it. But the next minute I was pushing. I didn't get an overwhelming urge to push I just tried to surrender and let my body do what it knew to do. As baby descended I experienced the full pain of the ring of fire as his head slowly came down with each push. Once his head was out it felt like at least 10minuted till his body came out but it was only a minute. I asked Geoff if he wanted to catch the baby but he couldn't do I reached down and bought baby up. 
I placed baby on my chest and felt so relieved o had baby close to my heart again. 

After about 5-10 minutes we decided to see if we had a boy or a girl. With a quick look we had another Son. We laughed and just opened our hearts to bring this new little soul into our lives. It was time to push for the placenta and it came out beautifully. Such a magnificent life support for my baby. I gave our Henry and his attached placenta to my husband who had his first cuddle as I got out of the pool. We then cut the cord and cuddled our baby boy together. 

Within half an hour my boys had arrived home with my mum and dad and hit to meet their new baby brother. They were super excited and thought he was the best. After meeting Henry they wanted to inspect the birth pool and then placenta. My amazing Doula Jacki explained the placenta to my two big boys while I was checked out for tearing. I only had a small tear which we decided to let heal itself. 

Henry had his first feed and latched beautiful, another breastfeeding journey had begun. 

After my shower my husband, myself and and our new little person all hopped into our beautiful comfy bed for our first night as a family of 5. We spent the next few days skin to skin in bed and in the comfort of my own home. 

This home birth has given my family so much, my little Henry got to arrive earthside into my arms safe with my husband, midwife, doula and photographer looking on. He is such a calm happy baby. Our very first home birth for our very last little baby. It was all I could imagine and more. 

To my husband who supported me through the every decision and held me through each contraction thank you. 

To my midwife and doula who sat quietly in the background but gave so much reassurance and love thank you. 

To my amazing photographer who captured every moment beautifully thank you. 

To all my family and friends who supported me thank you. 

And to all the amazing birthing women out there who have shared their stories thank you. 

*****All photos are property of Tanya Love photography. Visit her Facebook page to to see all her exquisite work 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I am NOT a good mother.

Yup you read it right. 

I'm not, I pretend to be, I try hard but at the end of the day I am definitely a shit mother. 

It only takes a few words  from your kids to cement the fact you are screwing them up for life. 
Take yesterday as an example. 
Driving home from the beach we are explaining how most kids think their parents are the best at everything. We ask the boys what mummy is the best at. They take a while to answer, my eldest pipes up......

"Mummy is the best at yelling!" 

Floobuckle chimes in....

"Yeah she really does yell a lot so she is the best" 

Thanks kids,  not the best giver of cuddles, or fun, or cook, or story teller I am the best yeller! 

If that wasn't enough to make you think twice about the gig you actually thought you might be good at take the next answer as the the kick in the teeth. 

Daddy asks them 
"Well who is the best at taking care of you, making sure you're safe and fed and loved? "

Thanks babe for trying ever so hard to make this shitty situation better. 

Floobuckle proudly announces 

"Nana, nana is the very best at looking after us"

There you have it I not only yell all the time which makes me the best, I am classified as the worst person to look after my kids. 

So it made me realise that when you're really struggling, like I am right now and people try to make you feel better by saying chin up (urgh that is the absolutely worst saying) or well you're a wonderful, I am really not. 

I can't keep my house clean, am a terrible cook, my kids watch movies at night time, I am the very worst at looking after them. 

So when someone is struggling don't them they are doing good job at being a mum, they are probably just going through the motions  to get through the day. 

Wonder if this baby baking inside me also think Nan's is better at looking after them than me? 
Safe to say I'm heartbroken that that's what they think of me.