I'm not, I pretend to be, I try hard but at the end of the day I am definitely a shit mother.
It only takes a few words from your kids to cement the fact you are screwing them up for life.
Take yesterday as an example.
Driving home from the beach we are explaining how most kids think their parents are the best at everything. We ask the boys what mummy is the best at. They take a while to answer, my eldest pipes up......
"Mummy is the best at yelling!"
Floobuckle chimes in....
"Yeah she really does yell a lot so she is the best"
Thanks kids, not the best giver of cuddles, or fun, or cook, or story teller I am the best yeller!
If that wasn't enough to make you think twice about the gig you actually thought you might be good at take the next answer as the the kick in the teeth.
Daddy asks them
"Well who is the best at taking care of you, making sure you're safe and fed and loved? "
Thanks babe for trying ever so hard to make this shitty situation better.
Floobuckle proudly announces
"Nana, nana is the very best at looking after us"
There you have it I not only yell all the time which makes me the best, I am classified as the worst person to look after my kids.
So it made me realise that when you're really struggling, like I am right now and people try to make you feel better by saying chin up (urgh that is the absolutely worst saying) or well you're a wonderful, I am really not.
I can't keep my house clean, am a terrible cook, my kids watch movies at night time, I am the very worst at looking after them.
So when someone is struggling don't them they are doing good job at being a mum, they are probably just going through the motions to get through the day.
Wonder if this baby baking inside me also think Nan's is better at looking after them than me?
Safe to say I'm heartbroken that that's what they think of me.