Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Genie!

This morning my black milk clothing order arrived. In it was my whole new world leggings and sleeping beauty ones from the Disney release. I was so excited for the Aladdin ones as its one of my favourites. Its always been a favourite due to The genie aka Robin Williams.  I put them on without a second thought. Unbeknown to me it would mean so much more than a new pair of leggings. 

To hear of the passing of Robin Williams was a shock. This man was an amazing talent who I looked up to so much. He inspired me in so many ways when all I wanted was to be an actor. I watched his performances and got lost in the stories he created. I admired him for he courage in his long battle of depression. 

This battle became personal for me when I too was diagnosed as having depression. The hardest thing about living with an illness like this is that no one takes it seriously, people tell you to not get all depressed or just be happy. Having depression and living in the western world is seen as selfish, how can you be depressed when you have it so good, how can you feel so bad when you don't have anything to complain about? 
Thing is depression isn't about what you have or how much money you have as those things can't change your mental health, depression is that little person in her head telling you are not good enough, you are worthless, you don't deserve to be happy. Its a debilitating illness that can take over your life in one quick swoop. 

Robin Williams fought long and hard, he even went through alcohol and drug dependencies on his journey. I have seen so many people say, but he was so rich he could have paid anyone for help, why was someone who had everything be so sad, how can someone kill themselves when you have so much to love for, the answer is we don't know, we don't know why depression takes hold and changes the lives of people. 

If you need to all to someone contact Beyond Blue Or lifeline. Talk about how you feel, your feelings are valid and worthwhile. You are loved, you are worthy. 

I hope that the demons have left you now Robin and you are making everyone laugh wherever you are, because we miss you and your wonderful talent. xx

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