We held a beautiful naming day for our littlest man Flynn in April. It was shared with all our closet friends and family. We are so honoured to have 3 wonderful guardians for Flynn...Terri, Dom and Pete.
I decorated the outside are myself and arranged all the flowers...I think it looked pretty amazing :)We had a sit down lunch prepared by my family..food was amazing!!!!!!!!

Our day was photographed by my gorgeous and very talented friend Sara. I will share some of the beautiful photos she took......

The ceremony was conducted by our lovely amazing friend Doreen. It was perfect! All of the elements were included in the day...Fire, Earth( soil taken from our garden, my parents garden, a pot plant my Nana owned, and from my Dads parents original house), Water and Air. He was welcomed into the family through acknowledging all the elements and how we came to be. It was all done through love, and everyone who attended are our greatest loves.

One of the elements Water.

God parents or guardians reading.

Grandparents and Great grandparents reading.

Lighting the candle to start the ceremony.

Flynn and his brother Myles enjoying the rose petal shower.

Just as we were about to eat the storm clouds opened and the rain fell, it was quiet fitting really as at our wedding reception the same happened. the rain is a blessing to us all.
Doreen runs a Yoga school on the coast and is a celebrant I couldn't recommend her high enough
It was a beautiful day Amber!! xx