I am worried about our mums.
It seems like we are burning the candle at both ends. According to the "media" and well meaning family, we are to look amazing by about 3 months post birth, our babies are to be sleeping through from 6 weeks, we are to have a social life outside of our families, our houses should be spotless and we should try to squeeze a little mummy business in there as well!
Phew, I am exhausted just writing it. No wonder we are so disconnected with our children, no wonder breastfeeding is hard to establish and no wonder our babies are shoved into a strict routine and left to sob their little eyes out so they sleep all night.
Why cant we just relax and enjoy the little human we have created for a while. Enjoy lying in bed with them feeding and letting them sleep with you all snuggled and safe. Enjoy all the quiet time when they are sleeping by resting yourself and rejuvenating and giving yourself time to bond.
Now I know this is a prefect scenario and I know I didnt rest every time with Floobuckle but I rested a lot more than what I did with Moo and I feel better for it! But I think we need to step back and relax a bit more, especially if your feeling overwhelmed and runnning out of steam.
I often hear of mums putting their kids in sleep school to fix problems with their sleeping. Yes my kids do not sleep through and neither do I and I am nearly 30. I just don't know when so much emphasis was put on how much a baby sleeps. Is it because we are now run off our feet going out, meeting friends, cleaning houses, running home businesses that we forgot that babies don't sleep though?
Does it mean your a better parent than me because your baby sleeps through the night? IThis is how i feel when someone asks me the old question so is he a good sleeper. I tell little white lies now as I couldnt take one more Aunt, friend , stranger tell me to let my babies cry, and ignore every instinct in my body to do so.
I secretly love it when I get extra cuddles at night. I don't really like the awkward way I have to sleep every night cause Floo is attached at the boob, but hey it wont last forever, and I know that in 10 years I will be begging him for cuddles :)
We all must parent how we feel is right, don't get me wrong, but I think we are relying on books that have no emotional connection to us or our babies, or well wishes who dont know any different, we have to follow our hearts and our children as we are giving them the start to their lives and it is solely our responsibility on how they are introduced to this world and how they will grow up.
So think twice about worrying about the messy bedrooms or that your precious baby was up a few times last night and focus on the amazing perfect little human you have who doesn't care if the floor is spotless or if the bed is made, all they want is you and your love.
Go cuddle your babies , sleep with them if you feel like, breastfeed them whenever they want and just enjoy the amazing gift of motherhood. xx