Monday, October 11, 2010

I want to be crafty dam it!!!!!

Since I was a llittle girl I loved all things fashion and adored watching my nana sew and knit! I always wanted to be a designer or photographer :)
But I have never given anything a go cause I am so hard on myself and I am scared I will fail and I will give up like I have done with everything I have tried!

So I am making a stand! I am doing a photography course in November which I am sooo excited about and cant wait! And this morning i have cleared a space for my sewing machine which has sat in my office in its box for 2 years :( I have purchased some patterns and fabric and cant wait to get started!

I suppose this follows on from one of my earlier blogs about giving up my creativity so for once I am doing something for myself...and don't care if people think I am copying...I am just dumb for telling everyone my dreams and them doing them first :P

SEW wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Hunni! I wanna know what kind of crafty stuff you're going to make! Oh and I'm going on the same photography course as you! Wish you could come to my one!! xx

  2. Good luck hun... hope you have SEW much fun!
    I want to do a photography course, good luck with it all.
