I am so incredibly lucky to have been able to feed both my boys easily, we had some dramas in the start but it has been really smooth sailing since.
I wanted to congratulate my boobs, breasts, boobies, nom noms here and without any reservations or judgement!
Boobs are great cause they feed my babies.
Boobies are great cause I don't have to make bottles, clean bottles or even buy bottles.
Breasts are great cause its environmentally friendly.
Noms noms are great cause I can easily roll over and feed floobuckle off to sleep without getting out of bed.
Boobs are great cause I don't have to pay to feed my babies for at least the first 6 months of their lives!
Boobies are great cause they are easily accessible in times of need without waiting!
Breasts are great cause they look good in dresses :P
Nom noms are great cause they are making the most amazing source of nutrition for my Floo!
So thank you boobies for allowing me to continue to have a wonderful feeding relationship with Floo......but I am looking forward to the day when I have my body back...but for now its Floos :)
My Boobs ROCK!
*thumbs up* Good job!