My little Floobuckle was born, I haven't blogged in a while so thought I might blog my birth story of Flynn Douglas, who entered this world on Melbourne cup morning :)
Flynn Douglas arrival-
Monday 2nd November...both my boys (Dh and DS are alsep) woohoo I can finally colour my hair I am so grey and don't want to have baby looking like a an old lady lol. So Hair is done have caught up on all the important things BB of course so I head to bed.
I had some pain earlier in the afternoon but brushed it off as muscle pain from all the housework I did that day.
Around midnight I woke with a yucky feeling like cramps and took myself off to the toilet. Dh is still sleeping and wont leave for work till half 12. So I go back to bed but cant sleep through the pain, Dh goes to work and I sit up waiting to feel if its contraction pain.
I ring DH at work and let him know I think I am in labour, he tells me to keep him posted and that he is really busy with all the orders for Melbourne cup ( he is a baker for our bakery business )
I give my mum a call to come over and stay so ds will be happy in the morning if I have to go in. Also I give my gorgeous doula a call too and she stays on the phone with me while I go through contractions.
My mum arrives and by now the contractions are pretty regular and strong. I decide to ring DH back and tell it will probably be tonight...he asks for 3 hours to finish his work...its 2:30 at this stage and I tell him that wont be happening we need to go now
Dh arrives at home at about 3 i think and we get in the car and head to the hospital. I am in the back seat as i was wanting to be on all fours and this made the contractions not as intense but ended up hanging on for dear life to the handle things lol! There were so many cops on the road...where are they when you need them lol. So DH wasn't speeding just in case.
I felt I was controlling the pain quiet well but really had an urge to push and then I remember thinking I am so asking for drugs when i get there ...this was not in the birth plan and I really didn't want any. So thinking i had started transition.
We arrive at the hospital at roughly 4 am... my doula is waiting for me and gives a big hug...I am relieved we are here.
We head on down to the assessment unit and the midwife asks if she can give me an internal...I agree as i am curious as to how far dilated i am...i was thinking maybe 4cms...the internal was painful...she tells me i am about 7 cms and she can feel the sac bulging...no wonder i felt like pushing. I am feeling pretty proud of myself.
I head back out to the waiting area and they then send us into a birth suite, which was number 8 my fav number, this must be a sign i tell myself...all I wanted was to get in the bath so my doula starts to fill it! As she does i feel so relaxed that we made it that i let go as the contraction starts and feel so embarrassed as i had wet myself...didn't matter though as just as the water was getting hot my waters broke...wow so this is what it feels like to let my body do its thing.
At this point I am hanging onto a steel trolley which is moving ever so slightly with each contraction..unfortunately my waters were meconium stained so I wasn't able to use the bath..bummer. The poor midwife was frantically looking for the Doppler ...i had a hold of it in the trolley lol. Babies heart rate is good thank goodness!
I get this insane feeling to push...wow what a feeling....It felt like i was popping open with each contraction then closing it was pretty intense...poor dh was rubbing my back and i turned into the devil woman and yelled at him to stop haha.
So at this point the midwife tells me i cant give birth hanging onto a trolley and i should move to the bed..I told her i wont be on my back thanks and she agrees so Im on all fours ready for the pushing. about 20 mins had passed since my waters had broken and i began to push...I was so prepared for the burning feeling as everything streched over babies head but i couldn't feel a thing. I think i had 3 contractions and babies head had crowned...they asked me if wanted to feel the head but i was so in the zone i just wanted to meet my little person. Unfortunately my gorgeous OB was not here again as she was on holidays so i had someone else ...never saw her face till later lol.
One more push and my babies head was out...omg i did it ..i did it by myself and without any drugs....one more push and out came baby...plus a huge water fall of hind waters my doula told me, she said it was quiet spectacular. As baby was coming down it pooed again so they had to whisk it away and sucker it out to make sure no meconium was swallowed...I kept asking why baby hadn't cried yet but my doula reassured me the pead was doing a great job..in what felt like 5 mins but was actually more like 30secs i heard that beautiful cry...then my dh came over to tell me we had another son...so within 2 hours we went from being a family of 3 to a family of 4!
I had to be stitched as tore my old episiotomy scar from my forceps delivery last time. The Ob was great and let me continue 3rd stage naturally for a bit but i needed the synto which was fine by me. I actually got to see the placenta this time...pretty amazing.
Flynn was placed on my chest and we cuddled for a long time before he wanted to feed, we didn't have him weighed straight away which was nice to just be us. It would have been an hour later that we weighed him...the midwife, my doula and DH all were over at the scales...they weighed him 3 times as the couldn't believe his size...9lb 5oz! WOW I was shocked, Myles was 8lb 2oz...Flynn was 54.5 cms long too...I was so amazed at how i was able to do this all by myself.
He had his first feed which was magical once again and then i had a shower. By 7 am we were off to the ward...I still couldn't believe that last night i had been pregnant and now in such a short time I had my son in my arms. And it was Melbourne cup day...didn't pick a winner though and didn't call him shocking either lol, but was really looking forward to going to my uncles house for cup lunch..oh well next year!
So a 2 hour drug free labour...I did it ! And we have 2 beautiful sons
Aww now i am in tears thining of that night! What a beaitful thing to experience and my only wish is that all women get to experience a beautiful labour and birth with the help of loving experienced people...be it at home...in a paddock or in my case a hospital!
Love you Floobuckle! x
Monday 2nd November...both my boys (Dh and DS are alsep) woohoo I can finally colour my hair I am so grey and don't want to have baby looking like a an old lady lol. So Hair is done have caught up on all the important things BB of course so I head to bed.
I had some pain earlier in the afternoon but brushed it off as muscle pain from all the housework I did that day.
Around midnight I woke with a yucky feeling like cramps and took myself off to the toilet. Dh is still sleeping and wont leave for work till half 12. So I go back to bed but cant sleep through the pain, Dh goes to work and I sit up waiting to feel if its contraction pain.
I ring DH at work and let him know I think I am in labour, he tells me to keep him posted and that he is really busy with all the orders for Melbourne cup ( he is a baker for our bakery business )
I give my mum a call to come over and stay so ds will be happy in the morning if I have to go in. Also I give my gorgeous doula a call too and she stays on the phone with me while I go through contractions.
My mum arrives and by now the contractions are pretty regular and strong. I decide to ring DH back and tell it will probably be tonight...he asks for 3 hours to finish his work...its 2:30 at this stage and I tell him that wont be happening we need to go now
Dh arrives at home at about 3 i think and we get in the car and head to the hospital. I am in the back seat as i was wanting to be on all fours and this made the contractions not as intense but ended up hanging on for dear life to the handle things lol! There were so many cops on the road...where are they when you need them lol. So DH wasn't speeding just in case.
I felt I was controlling the pain quiet well but really had an urge to push and then I remember thinking I am so asking for drugs when i get there ...this was not in the birth plan and I really didn't want any. So thinking i had started transition.
We arrive at the hospital at roughly 4 am... my doula is waiting for me and gives a big hug...I am relieved we are here.
We head on down to the assessment unit and the midwife asks if she can give me an internal...I agree as i am curious as to how far dilated i am...i was thinking maybe 4cms...the internal was painful...she tells me i am about 7 cms and she can feel the sac bulging...no wonder i felt like pushing. I am feeling pretty proud of myself.
I head back out to the waiting area and they then send us into a birth suite, which was number 8 my fav number, this must be a sign i tell myself...all I wanted was to get in the bath so my doula starts to fill it! As she does i feel so relaxed that we made it that i let go as the contraction starts and feel so embarrassed as i had wet myself...didn't matter though as just as the water was getting hot my waters broke...wow so this is what it feels like to let my body do its thing.
At this point I am hanging onto a steel trolley which is moving ever so slightly with each contraction..unfortunately my waters were meconium stained so I wasn't able to use the bath..bummer. The poor midwife was frantically looking for the Doppler ...i had a hold of it in the trolley lol. Babies heart rate is good thank goodness!
I get this insane feeling to push...wow what a feeling....It felt like i was popping open with each contraction then closing it was pretty intense...poor dh was rubbing my back and i turned into the devil woman and yelled at him to stop haha.
So at this point the midwife tells me i cant give birth hanging onto a trolley and i should move to the bed..I told her i wont be on my back thanks and she agrees so Im on all fours ready for the pushing. about 20 mins had passed since my waters had broken and i began to push...I was so prepared for the burning feeling as everything streched over babies head but i couldn't feel a thing. I think i had 3 contractions and babies head had crowned...they asked me if wanted to feel the head but i was so in the zone i just wanted to meet my little person. Unfortunately my gorgeous OB was not here again as she was on holidays so i had someone else ...never saw her face till later lol.
One more push and my babies head was out...omg i did it ..i did it by myself and without any drugs....one more push and out came baby...plus a huge water fall of hind waters my doula told me, she said it was quiet spectacular. As baby was coming down it pooed again so they had to whisk it away and sucker it out to make sure no meconium was swallowed...I kept asking why baby hadn't cried yet but my doula reassured me the pead was doing a great job..in what felt like 5 mins but was actually more like 30secs i heard that beautiful cry...then my dh came over to tell me we had another son...so within 2 hours we went from being a family of 3 to a family of 4!
I had to be stitched as tore my old episiotomy scar from my forceps delivery last time. The Ob was great and let me continue 3rd stage naturally for a bit but i needed the synto which was fine by me. I actually got to see the placenta this time...pretty amazing.
Flynn was placed on my chest and we cuddled for a long time before he wanted to feed, we didn't have him weighed straight away which was nice to just be us. It would have been an hour later that we weighed him...the midwife, my doula and DH all were over at the scales...they weighed him 3 times as the couldn't believe his size...9lb 5oz! WOW I was shocked, Myles was 8lb 2oz...Flynn was 54.5 cms long too...I was so amazed at how i was able to do this all by myself.
He had his first feed which was magical once again and then i had a shower. By 7 am we were off to the ward...I still couldn't believe that last night i had been pregnant and now in such a short time I had my son in my arms. And it was Melbourne cup day...didn't pick a winner though and didn't call him shocking either lol, but was really looking forward to going to my uncles house for cup lunch..oh well next year!
So a 2 hour drug free labour...I did it ! And we have 2 beautiful sons
Aww now i am in tears thining of that night! What a beaitful thing to experience and my only wish is that all women get to experience a beautiful labour and birth with the help of loving experienced people...be it at home...in a paddock or in my case a hospital!
Love you Floobuckle! x
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