Where oh were did the time go?
My little baby, my moo, my pickle head....your 3 tomorrow!
So 3 years ago I was I was in labour.....
On the phone to the hospital! (ignore the date on the pic lol)
Yup I am pretty sure I had had my waters broken and peth shot and all the intervention in the world by now....Geoff watched the footy final...Manly and cowboys if I remember...and helped me through my first birthing experience. Feeding me ice and trying to make me not feel the pain.
Then in the early hours of the morning on the 1st October...his due date...Myles William came into this world via Forceps :( I remember feeling like I was in a horror movie, and that they yanked him out and whisked him away. My whole natural birth went right out the window! Why didn't i get myself a doula the first time! But we can fill our heads with lots of whys and what ifs, but I made the choices and I have the most amazing little dude for them !
Our first family photo!
He was so perfect!
He just loved the Hug a bub and so did I!
We had the most amazing Breastfeeding journey too...I never knew how much I would love it. There were times especially in the early days when my toes would curl as he latched but after a few weeks it was second nature to me. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones. But it was the most enjoyable time :) My Hollywood breastfeeding pose!
Myles is the funniest most inquisitive kid! He is always full of beans and always asking "why", or "whats her/his name"," Where do they live" etc!
He will run up to me and say "mummy I love sooo much" And give me the biggest cuddles, he tells me I am beautiful..well except yesterday when he said he didn't like my hair do lol! His Naming day and his God parents Kate and Cory...and the "twins"
On his first birthday!
2nd birthday!
Meeting his baby brother Flynn!
My little grown up boy!
So Myles thank you for being the coolest, funniest, most amazing son! I cant wait to share the rest of your life help you grow into a beautiful caring man! xxx