My baby is growing up way too quickly.
He likes to drink out of a big persons glass....he can put on his own clothes, and choose them for that matter. He speaks like he is 18...including a few choice words he has picked up from us *blush*
I cannot believe he will be 3 in 3 weeks.........
I remember getting my positive pregnancy test and having to wake Geoff up to tell him of the news. We went skiing that day and not being able to tell anyone was hard!
So after I saw the local GP to confirm I was indeed up the duff I rang my Aunt Gail first as she was heading back from some of her first lots of radiation for Breast cancer and I wanted to cheer her up! they were all so excited he would be the first baby in our extended family!
So our first journey of pregnancy began...so much to take in and so much info to read! If it wasnt for so many wonderful poeple on BellyBelly I would have been so scared!
After 9 months of heartburn, swollen ankles and the best feeling of being kicked in the bladder the little dude arrived! No it was the most amazing time in my life...those first movements to poking his little feet and he would respond :)
His birth wasn't what I wanted and I don't tend to talk about it much as it still upsets me, but after that first look into his eyes my heart was his forever. He changed our lives and we couldn't imagine our loves without him...well when he never slept we did :P
So to my little monkey man thank you for being the coolest most energetic, fun, crazy kid I know! I only hope we can guide you and help you on your own path of life which will hopefully be filled with lots of love and laughter!

Love you pickle head xxxx
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