Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do you have a thing...I dont think I do?

This is something I think of often.
I really don't have a know everyone has a thing right...My hubby is a Baker extraordinaire, my brother is the football Friends have creative arty sides like making clothes, creating cakes and pastries...being stunning( I know that's not a thing thing but still its something!)
I just feel like I have no when someone would be talking about you they would say oh yea Amber's husband is an amazing baker...or Amber's friend can sew...or Amber's cousins are awesome artists....Amber nothing I got nothing???

I love to paint and would love to start to sew but it seems everyone can do those things and much better than me so I don't even want to try. I want to find something that is mine , something that I can be proud of achieving, something that others will think is wonderful. I often feel like the black sheep or the third wheel of my family..never really fitting in..having different opinions that no one really wants to hear :(

I remember my Nana's surprise party when I was little...maybe 10 or 11. We were having it at our house. I had spent all afternoon working on a big happy birthday sign... which i printed off the computer ( cause that was such a novelty back then) and colouring it in making it look special for my Nana! I hung it up outside with all the balloons and waited for the time to come....well in that time it bucketed down with rain...totally wrecked my masterpiece :( I was guttered. My beautiful cousin arrived and had made her own sign so we put it up inside ready for the party. Nana got a huge surprise...well so I thought...and everyone was commenting on the lovely Happy birthday banner! It really was gorgeous I still can see it now! and I remember my Nana saying
"oh yes my granddaughter H made that she is the artist of the family"

I was so upset and felt useless....that was the day I never really tried hard at anything arty gorgeous cousin become a wonderful graphic designer and is so talented and arty! I cant help but wonder, maybe if it didn't rain that day I would be just as talented as her or any of my friends and family?

I really want to give sewing a go as I love doing it with my Nan, but still feel like maybe I should just stick to being boring! I want to paint again like in highschool, I want to be the photgrapher I wanted to be when I was 17 and do the course I have been dying to do. I want to be something , someone anyone who has a thing!

1 comment:

  1. oh... i had no idea.. i'm so sorry. xxx please know that your feelings are not one-sided. there are so many things about you that i wish i was, wish i had, wish i knew and wish i felt... love you so much, and please remember that you are so VERY TALENTED and inspiring, and the most beautiful person I know. xxx
