Monday, January 17, 2011

Where do you begin....

How do you help someone you have never met rebuild their life, how do you comfort someone through a computer screen? Why do I have any right to mourn a woman who was the shining light of my online community even though we never shared a conversation. How do you go back to living a normal life when her children are grieving. why did she leave this world only the day after burying her sister.

I cannot comprehend how such an awful turn of events has rocked our little community. I have shed tears for a lady who I don't even know if she knew I existed, she was in my eyes the cool older sister who you would never talk to cause there would be know way you were worthy enough, she was blunt and to the point, she made me laugh out loud all the time...yet I never actually spoke to her, I never shared a pm or know if she ever posted in a thread back to me....does it matter? No I will still grieve for my sisters who have lost a friend, a mentor, a buddy. I will cry for her children, I will see her dancing and drinking wherever she is. And I will hold what is dear to me closer and enjoy each day to the fullest.

Life has to go on, I know that but how do you recover from something which has not happened to you directly, how on earth will I cope when and if I loose someone close to me, the thought is unimaginable. I promise to be truthful and to say what I want and not to let things worry me too much anymore, life is short so go live it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 can only get better right?

Its not even the end of January and we have had some devestating news from all over. A communtiy I am aprt of have lost 2 very special people. I hope and pray they are safe and happy in their new world.

Now the floods of Brisbane and the shocking inland tsunami of Toowoomba. I am feeling so helpless and wish I could help out. The toll it is having and will have on our beautiful state will be monsterous. I can only pray no more lives are lost.

Please be safe everyone! And tell the people you love how much they mean to you x